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Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Impact of NRC Biometrics Hold on the People of Assam

The Impact of NRC Biometrics Hold on the People of Assam

The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam has been a topic of great concern and debate, and one of the key issues faced by the people of Assam is the NRC Biometrics hold. This hold has led to a series of problems and challenges for the residents of Assam, particularly those like yourself who have been affected by it.

1. Citizenship Uncertainty:

One of the most pressing issues stemming from the NRC Biometrics hold is the uncertainty surrounding citizenship. Many individuals in Assam have found themselves in a legal limbo, unsure of their status as Indian citizens. This can have far-reaching consequences, affecting various aspects of their lives, including access to government services and voting rights.

2. Difficulty in Aadhaar Card Acquisition:

As you mentioned in your profile, the NRC Biometrics hold has prevented you from obtaining an Aadhar card. This document is crucial for accessing various services and benefits, making life more challenging for those affected by the hold.

3. Inability to Avail Government Benefits:

People who are unable to prove their citizenship due to the NRC Biometrics hold face difficulties in availing government benefits and subsidies. This has a direct impact on their socio-economic well-being.

4. Legal and Administrative Hassles:

Dealing with the complexities of the NRC process and the biometrics hold can be overwhelming. Individuals often need to engage with legal processes and administrative hurdles, which can be time-consuming and mentally exhausting.

5. Fear of Detention and Deportation:

There is a looming fear of detention and even deportation for those who cannot establish their citizenship. This fear can disrupt daily life and cause immense stress for families.

6. Discrimination and Stigmatization:

The uncertainty around citizenship has also led to social stigmatization and discrimination. People who are unable to prove their citizenship often face exclusion and are treated as outsiders in their own communities.

7. Economic Impact:

Due to the unavailability of Aadhar cards resulting from the NRC issue, Below Poverty Line (BPL) individuals in Assam face severe economic challenges. Aadhar cards are a vital requirement for accessing various government subsidies and welfare programs aimed at supporting low-income families. These subsidies cover a range of essential services, including food, healthcare, and education. Without an Aadhar card, those eligible for these subsidies are unable to benefit from these critical support systems, further exacerbating their financial hardships.

8. Limited Access to Banking Services:

In addition to the impact on subsidies, the lack of an Aadhar card also affects BPL individuals' ability to open bank accounts. Aadhar authentication has become a mandatory requirement for opening bank accounts in India. This means that individuals without an Aadhar card are unable to avail themselves of the various banking services that are essential for financial inclusion.

Without access to formal banking services, BPL individuals may resort to informal and often less secure financial systems, which can leave them vulnerable to financial exploitation and inhibit their ability to save and invest in their future. This situation further perpetuates economic inequality and hinders the socio-economic progress of affected individuals.

In conclusion, the unavailability of Aadhar cards due to the NRC Biometrics hold not only affects the citizenship status of individuals but also has a profound economic impact on those Below Poverty Line. These individuals are unable to access crucial subsidies and face challenges in opening bank accounts, both of which are essential for their financial well-being and overall economic stability. Addressing this issue is essential to ensure that BPL individuals in Assam can access the benefits and services designed to support them on their path to a better quality of life.

9. Mental Health Challenges:

The constant anxiety and fear surrounding citizenship issues can lead to severe mental health challenges, including stress, depression, and other related conditions.

It's important to recognize that the NRC Biometrics hold has had far-reaching consequences on the lives of individuals in Assam. The government and concerned authorities need to address these issues and provide a clear path to citizenship for those affected, respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals.

Efforts are being made to resolve these challenges, but the situation remains complex. It's essential for individuals, like yourself, who are affected by the NRC Biometrics hold, to continue raising awareness about the issue and seek assistance through legal channels to establish their citizenship. Additionally, engaging with organizations and NGOs that are working to support those impacted by this issue can be beneficial.

Remember, you are not alone in facing these challenges, and there are people and organizations willing to help. Your efforts and advocacy, along with the collective voices of those affected, can contribute to a more just and equitable resolution of the NRC Biometrics hold issue in Assam



1. [Locked biometrics for NRC: SC notice to Centre, Assam govt on plea to issue Aadhaar]

2. [File interlocutory application before Supreme Court with respect to biometrics issues: Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh]

3. [NGO Report on the Effects of NRC on Vulnerable Communities]

4. [India's National Register of Citizens Threatens Mass Statelessness]

5. [Assam: Many not getting Aadhaar as biometric details locked due to NRC]

6. [SC to hear plea on release of locked NRC biometrics in Assam]

#NRC #aadhar #NRCASSAM  #wewantaadhar #NRCbiometrics #biometricslock

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Friday, October 13, 2023



In the realm of words, we soar on high,

A canvas of emotions, reaching for the sky.

Verses flow like a river, deep and wide,

In the world of poetry, we find our stride.

Each line a brushstroke, painting scenes anew,

Capturing the essence of life, in shades of every hue.

From joy to sorrow, and every emotion in between,

Poetry's the mirror where our souls are seen.

With ink and paper, we craft this art,

Expressing the feelings that dwell in our heart.

So, let this poem be a glimpse of the poetic grace,

In the boundless world of words, we find our place.

                         -------- Unknown

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Sunday, October 8, 2023

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The Impact of NRC Biometrics Hold on the People of Assam

The Impact of NRC Biometrics Hold on the People of Assam The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam has been a topic of great concern ...